Monday, November 26, 2012

The weight issue...

I have never had trouble with my weight, until I hit my late 20's...depression hit and my waistline expanded. I used to weigh about 150-155lbs, Now its like 180-185, after starting to hit the gym like a lunatic and losing  15 lbs, which I might add was no easy job. This brings me to my current weight of 184, everyone thinks guys don't care, not true. Truth is guys do care about their weight, we just don't tell everyone, well...I tell my close friends , all two of them . So after about 9 days of being "too busy" , I am hitting the gym today! And on a Monday too!

1 comment:

  1. I made it to the gym,worked out and burned 369 calories . hopefully I can keep the momentum and go again tomorrow .
